Cryopen is a form of cryotherapy which is the controlled destruction of unwanted tissue by the precise application of extreme cold. It uses highly pressured liquid nitrous oxide to destroy the tissue quickly and with little residual stinging. This is an advanced procedure is used to treat skin tags, seborrheic keratoses, age spots and much more. Cryopen treatments do not require anaesthetic and are a convenient choice for clients due to minimal aftercare.
Microneedling is a cosmetic procedure that encourages collagen production using tiny, sterilised needles. It may help smooth, firm, and tone skin and improve the appearance of scars, acne, and wrinkles. Each session takes about 30 mins. Down time is 24hours of redness to the treated area.
Facial using a bespoke treatment in order to target area that are your concern, using premium products that will leave the skin feeling youthful and glowing
Peels are an amazing treatment option for those wanting to address signs of ageing, acne prone skin, skin texture and help achieve an hydrating glow. Using advanced medical grade ingredients which target concerns at a cellular level, the results are like no other.